Marc Randazza has done no research to see if I was really EXPOSING wrong in a $40 Million Dollar Bankruptcy. Marc Randazza has done NOTHING to investigate the Extortion Allegation and simply jumps on the bandwagon of those I am Exposing. Massive Real Estate Consumer VICTIMS suffered at the hands of a Bankruptcy Trustee, Kevin Padrick who answered to know one and provided no transparency or accountability, Marc Randazza has done no investigation into this matter and simply incites a Lynch Mob against me because I rejected him as my Attorney and own
The information is all there to Right the WRONG. But Instead Marc Randazza attacks me, the one actually exposing the REAL WRONG.
Here is a Marc Randazza Quote.
" • Mar 31, 2012 @12:23 pm
Rusty wrote:
Why doesn't Randazza sue for ownership of the sites with his name on them? Cox doesn't have (or shouldn't have) any ownership interest in them (well, maybe but there's no way I'd let her keep sites with my own name, my wife's name, and my daughter's name. She might find defending against another lawsuit cuts into her crazy time.
Rusty, I am not ruling it out. But, I like the lesson here being that if you do wrong, those who do right will expose you, and you will be rendered ineffective at doing wrong.
People already know that doing wrong might get you sued."
Comment Source, the Pope Hat, Kenneth P. White Crystal Cox Lynch Mob Proskauer Rose Attorney Proskauer Rose Attorney and Big Wig Proskauer Rose Attorney
Article About my WIPO Case
The Proskauer Rose Domain Names were purchased to Fight for the Justice of the iViewit Inventors. More on that at AND
If it is illegal to buy other people's names, then take it up with Congress and make it so the registrar does not sell domain names of "Other People" or Trademarked Names. Or just go on a Drunken Tryst and Rant about a Blogger, whatever helps you sleep best at night.
I may not be doing it in a way you approve of, but at least I am making effort to change laws, to set precedence, to expose corruption, to provide transparency, to expose Judges, Expose Attorneys, and to fight for the constitutional rights of victims of the Culture of Corruption in America. And I have done this for FREE for Years. I do not simply sit and whine about the corruption and how bad it is, I get in there and FIGHT with and for the Victims of It.
Marc Randazza has violated my Constitutional Rights, Violated my Rights in trying to make deals alledgedly on my behalf, and Marc Randazza is causing quite stir when Marc Randazza defended Isaac Eiland-Hall in the buying, owning and using the domain name
"" , yet Marc Randazza emailed me and told me I have no right to own a domain name that resembles his name. Talk about Double Standards. Was it extortion for that named to be purchased and used attacking Glen Back and accusing him of rape and murder? This Domain Name "implies"that a Young Girl is a "Minor" right? And it accuses a man of a Rape and Murder. This is Ok in they Eyes of Attorney Marc Randazza, but for some reason me Owning is not, nor Owning and his childs name, which I bought AFTER he joined the plaintiff to PROVE a Point, and I never Published that I did that. Kenneth White and Marc Randazza did that.
I had not said one bad word about Marc Randazza until long after I bought that name and after Marc Randazza took up with the Plaintiff in Obsidian V. Cox to defame, harass, discredit me and join in a "Hate Crime". I have done nothing illegal in buying those domain names, and I have not asked for anything what so ever from Marc Randazza though he has offered.
So File Some Shit Marc Randazza, take the name by force or let your Buddy the "Plaintiff" take it as a $10 Down Payment on my $2.5 Million Dollar Debt, Whatever. I bought those domains of the Randazza's to prove a point, Marc Randazza claims to be a Domainer's Best Friend, and Claims to be all that in the First Amendment Issue he does not know what he is doing. I bought the dotcom of Marc Randazza's child to prove the point that Marc Randazza does not know what he is doing in this industry. I have no issue with letting the name go in a year or so, the POINT is that Marc Randazza does not know what he is doing, though he brags that he is a Domainer's Best Friend, and fighting for Free Speech Rights of all.
I chose an Attorney other then Marc Randazza because I felt the Attorney I chose would be better for the Freedom of Speech and Constitutional Rights of all citizen blogger. I CHOSE with Great Care and Integrity on who I wanted to speak for the First Amendment Rights of All.
I Chose VERY, VERY, VERY well. I chose the face for this very important debate, and simply did not like how Marc Randazza talked to me or treated me and did not want his voice representing bloggers everywhere, corruption bloggers, whistle blowers and citizen journalists. It is too important of a topic to me to leave in the hands of someone other then the VERY best I could for the Greatest Good of All.
Marc Randazza Crystal Cox Email Thread Coming Soon.
And My Response to his Delusional Rant on me, Coming Soon. Meanwhile DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Believe No ONE, read documents, Check Facts for Yourself. Know Your Truth. I know mine and am VERY proud of what I do and have Extorted NO ONE.
in Love and Light
and a Prayer that All this Works out for the Highest and Best Good of all Victims of Corruption and Citizen Bloggers, Corruption Bloggers Worldwide.
Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger